Our Strategy
Our programme includes emergency relief, reconstruction and development projects. We are also committed to working with local community groups to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and support survivors.
Our programme includes emergency relief, reconstruction and development projects. We are also committed to working with local community groups to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and support survivors.
DR Congo has a population of 62,636,000 and life expectancy is 45 years for men and 48 years for women. The country has been ravaged over the years by what could be described as Africa’s First World War.
Apart from political instability, there have been quite a number of complex issues, ranging from conflicts over basic resources like water to access and control over rich minerals and other resources. Since the outbreak of war in August 1998, over 5.4 million people are estimated to have died, with typically preventable diseases like diarrhoea, pneumonia and other problem like malnutrition accounting for a significant amount of these deaths.
Currently, there are still over 1.5 million internally displaced people across the border, many have started returning home as violence has slightly decreased and over 16 million people have critical food needs, while 45,000 continue to die each month.
DONE is working with local NGOs to transport humanitarian supplies to remote areas within Uele in the North Eastern part of the country. The programme is targeted at meeting the needs of women and children amongst over 162,000 displaced people by Lord Resistance Army’s attacks. We also seek to help reduce the incidence of severe hunger and malnutrition through the provision of seedlings of fast breeding species and capacity building for women groups who are mainly farmers.